
Sometimes, a local authority (social services) may become concerned about your child’s welfare. This may be due to your lifestyle, your property, an injury your child has sustained, violence in your relationship or general concerns about the care you provide.

Local authority involvement in your life, and that of your child, is always a very difficult and emotional time. We are here to help and can offer advice, assistance and representation at all stages: from the initial meetings to the conclusion of any court proceedings.

As well as representing parents, we can offer advice and representation for other family members, such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, or friends of the family, wishing to care for a child with whom the local authority is involved.

Our skilled and experienced team consists of three qualified lawyers with in excess of 44 combined years of experience. Two of our team are also members of The Law Society’s Children Panel which enables them to act on behalf of children.

Although there have been recent changes to legal aid, these do not impact on court proceedings where a local authority is seeking to make decisions about your child. If you are a parent or a person with parental responsibility, you will be entitled to Legal Aid in these types of cases.

Please do contact a member of the team if you are unsure whether this applies to you. We are happy to assist.

Speak to a Solicitor today

Ruth Harrison-Byrne

Ruth Harrison-Byrne


Main areas of expertise:
Member of the Law Society’s Children Panel
Children Law
Custody Disputes

0121 784 8484

Gail Hope

Gail Hope

Associate Solicitor

Main areas of expertise:
All Childcare matters

0121 784 8484

Samantha Hodson

Samantha Hodson

Senior Legal Executive

Main areas of expertise:
All Childcare matters

0121 784 8484

Hayley Chew

Legal Executive

Main areas of expertise:
All Childcare matters

0121 784 8484
